Salons Bellezza

Considerations for a Beauty Salon

We generally defined by the way we look. That is why people who seem to appear in a specific way are often pre-judged before they even do anything. Some people get judged immediately they walk into a new environment also before they open their mouth to say a word or raise their finger to do anything. For this reason, the phrase “dress how you want to addressed” has been popularised generation after generation.

People will judge you by the way your hair looks, by the way, your clothing is arranged and by the way your skin glows. Whatever the case, it is better to determine how people judge you and not leave that task to them. To set the standard for how people view you, you need to choose a competent salon and to choose a skilled salon, and there are a few things to consider. Here, we outline some of those things to consider for you to find good beauty supplies :

  • Decide to contact the salon management before you even leave your home to go to the salon. This way, you can find out if they are free to handle your hair and find out if they are familiar with the specific or particular style you wish to get done. This way, you avoid any form of unexpected eventualities, and you go prepared.
  • Avoid going into salons where the employees or staff seem unsure of the scope of their work. Before sitting in that chair and leaving your hair to the mercy of just anybody, ensure that they are competent, confident and dependable to handle your hair and deliver useful and admirable service. It can be determined in their carriage and in the way they communicate with you when you come in contact with them.
  • Ensure to establish responsible communication with the stylist before even sitting in the chair and leaving your hair to them. Ensure that you both connect and that they understand what you want to achieve with your hair. Ensure that they know what to do with your hair and how to do it. Ensure that during the service, you can call them to order to point out where they may be stepping out of line in the service. Make sure you establish your requirement from them and hold them accountable by communicating openly and comfortably with them.

Consider choosing a salon by word of mouth. Sometimes, the best salons not listed on local directories and you may need to get recommendations from someone who has patronised them for you to get to know about them. Make it a point of responsibility to ask your family and friends for recommendations before settling for a stylist. Also, when you get a recommendation, ensure you measure the competence of the salon stylist as told by your family member or friend against the look of their hair.

Location is an essential factor to consider before settling for a beauty salon. Ensure that wherever you are choosing is accessible by all means available to you and conducive to go to at any hour, in case you need to call in late.
Always remember that you can always test a stylist’s competence before dedicating yourself to or choosing them permanently. This way, you will get to find out for yourself whether or not they are the right fit for your beauty needs.

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Salons Bellezza

Welcome to Salons Bellezza

Welcome to Salons Bellezza – Your Skin Therapy Starts at Home.

  • Is it possible to have healthy glowing skin without my make-up covering imperfections?
  • Can my acne be fixed? I am tired of blackheads & pimples!
  • I am beginning to age & want to start looking better after my skin. Can you help me?
  • My oiliness and pores are driving me crazy! Can you find a solution for me?
  • I gave up on my skin and use nothing on it but it does not look healthy. What can you do for me?
  • I am super sensitive and my skin does not like many things. How can I look after it? Can I get a Facial?
  • I do not really know what my skin needs, I simply follow product commercials. I have no idea what it needs. Can you educate me?
  • My skin gets very dry during winter. Can I get the best Facial for it and follow up at home to keep feeling hydrated?               

There are so many questions when it comes to your skin, isn’t it?

Hi, I am Evie and with 15 years of experience, I am here to help!  I understand that a lot of skin issues stem from a lack of correct home-care. Some problematic conditions like acne, for example, require regular treatments particularly with the modern-day stress level as many adults suffer from chronic break-outs way past their teenage years. I also found a lot of clients complain about skin dehydration no matter how much water they drink. The key to hydration are usually serums, ampules or concentrates in topical application. Capsules are also great.   You will be very pleased to find out that good healthy skin is not just a dream. You do not need to put up with any skin issue be it persistent oiliness, blocked/enlarged pores, lines & wrinkles, dehydration, sensitivity, break-outs or pimples, chronic dryness, etc and suffer from it. I will explain your skin type & skin condition in a professional thorough skin consultation. Everybody should understand what their skin needs to keep it feeling and looking its best. It is very easy once I diagnose your skin.

With a variety of offerings to choose from, I am sure your skin will be happy. Look around my website and if you have any comments or questions, please, feel free to press contact us. I will answer your questions. Meanwhile, have a look at My Beauty Sale specials.

My Skin Treatments

A vast variety of specific skin treatments are on offer daily and are carefully chosen in your skin consultation prior to Facial.

My Pampering

If you are after some relaxation, please, have a look at inexpensive beauty add-ons! mention it when booking your Facial and I’ll add it to your Skin TreatmentMy Winter WarmersSave money and skin this colder season with unique specials up to 50%OFF!  Hurry, offers are limited!

Check back later for new updates to the website. There’s much more to come!

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Salons Bellezza

How to Detect Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is mainly caused by exposure of the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. These rays are the strongest between 10 am and 4 pm and going outdoors without sunscreen on can be very dangerous. Australians are more susceptible to skin cancer because Australia is geographically close to Antarctica and there is a hole in Antarctica’s ozone layer which doesn’t filter the ultraviolet rays. Environmental problems, radiation exposure, and hereditary illnesses can leave a person prone to skin cancer as well.

Skin cancer is more common in fair-skinned people or folks with light-coloured eyes. According to one estimate, 40 to 50% of people who live up to 65 and are fair-skinned will develop skin cancer at least once. Common symptoms of skin cancer are an abundance of irregularly sized moles, changes in the skin and scaly growths. There are many types of skin cancers; the most dangerous one is melanoma. The visible signs of melanoma are changes in the shape or color of a mole, or a pigmented surface. Sometimes the moles can feel itchy or ooze out blood. Melanoma can be treated is early stages and a person suffering from these symptoms should receive immediate medical assistance.
Another kind of skin cancer is called Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This is not a type of melanoma skin cancer. The visible symptom of this skin cancer is firm red bumps, a scaly growth that sometimes bleeds and a wound that doesn’t heal at all. The common areas where these indications can occur are on the nose, ears, forehead, hands and lower lip. This type of skin cancer can be treated if diagnosed early.
A different form of Squamous Cell Carcinoma is called Bowen disease. It is a kind of skin cancer that spread outward on the skin. The other kind of squamous cell carcinomas which is invasive can grow inside the skin and spread throughout the body. Common symptoms of this disease are scaly or red patches that resemble rash, fungus or eczema.

The most common and easy to treat skin cancer is called Basal Cell Carcinoma. This skin cancer spreads gradually and occurs normally in adults. The basal cells can take many appearances including a white or waxy scar, and mostly occurs around the face, neck or ears. This type of skin cancer can also appear as brown patches on the chest or back.

There are less common types of skin cancers such as Kaposi’s sarcoma, sebaceous gland carcinoma and Merkel cell carcinoma. Kaposi’s sarcoma normally occurs in people with a weak immune system. The sebaceous gland carcinoma is destructive skin cancer which develops in the oil glands of the skin surface. Merkel cell carcinoma is normally seen in skin areas more exposed to the sun like the head, arms, neck and legs. But it can spread through other body parts as well. If a person develops skin cancer, it can reoccur even after the treatment is complete. Therefore, such people are advised to have a thorough checkup at least once a year.

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